Author: Virginie Giles

Oct 2018
Trust is the new digital journal for Executive and Governance Leaders. It is produced collaboratively by CST (The Confederation of School Trusts) and its subsidiary NTA (National Teacher Accreditation). It will be published twice termly and is ...

Sep 2018
Leora Cruddas CST (formerly FASNA) CEO and Caroline Whitty  NIPT Company Secretary met with the DfE to discuss and gain approval for the NIPT proposed name change to NTA and discuss progress in relation to post consultation reform.

Jul 2018
NTA (formerly NIPT) were invited to attend a meeting with the DfE. This was attended by Martin Shevill Senior Quality Assurance Office, Caroline Whitty Company Secretary, Leora Cruddas CEO CST (formerly FASNA) and 2 colleagues from Ark who use the ...

Jul 2018
Martin Shevill - Senior Quality Assurance Officer attended a DfE roundtable event on Early Career Framework and Appropriate Bodies

May 2018
Since our response to the consultation in January and the DfE's formal response in May (link here), the NTA team (formerly NIPT) have met with the Department on 3 occasions to further assist in shaping the proposed consultation driven reform.